Thanks to Maria Tome, Hawaii State Energy Office for confirming that the Lookheed Martin OTEC will be built on Oahu, Hawaii. She pointed to this Energy Agreement which was signed by the State of Hawaii and the Hawaiian Electric Companies.
Looking a little deeper into the 52 page agreement (2 MB PDF) I found something which I hadn’t seemed mentioned before, and I am not sure I understand what it means. On page 45 in the document it says “Cumulative Target Goal (MW per year end)”, and has a table. The Lookheed Martin OTEC is in there with 10 MW. But there is a second line with “Sea Solar OTEC 100 MW”, to be in place at the same time as the Lookheed Martin installation. Sea Solar OTEC shows up on page 49 as well and as having a “completed term sheet” by Q3 2008, and a proposed “commercial operation date” of Q3 2013.
Is there a separate OTEC plant being negotiated with Sea Solar Power for Oahu, Hawaii?