Ocean Thermal Energy Corporation (OTE) has made progress on the development of its first OTEC EcoVillage planned in the Virgin Islands and has progressed toward the development of a SWAC system for the U.S. Military.
SWAC System for the US Military
Having been approached by a major defense contractor, in 2018, OTE plans to continue its design efforts for the construction of a Seawater Air Conditioning (SWAC) system for the U.S. military. While working with this contractor, OTE expects to support and manage this energy-saving project through completion, generating savings of hundreds of thousands of taxpayers’ dollars that otherwise would be spent in high(er) energy costs.
OTEC EcoVillage
OTE has completed the first draft of the master plan for the EcoVillage in the Virgin Islands that will be powered by ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) system. The EcoVillage project will provide all power and water to about 400 residences, a hotel, and shopping center, as well as models of sustainable agriculture, food production, and other economic developments. It will be OTE’s pilot project, launched to prove the viability of OTEC technology to provide affordable renewable energy for entire communities. The Company believes this $700 million project could be highly profitable and generate significant value for its shareholders.
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