2nd OTEC Symposium proceedings

The International OTEC Symposium 2014 was held from June 20 to June 21, 2014 in Goseong, Korea. Seawater Utilization Plant Research Center (SUPRC) of Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering (KRISO) hosted the symposium to share all valuable information on OTEC from academic and industrial sectors. About 50 OTEC experts from all over the world including Malaysia, USA, Japan, Netherlands, Fiji, Ghana and Korea have participated in the symposium giving brilliant thoughts to OTEC community for the future OTEC research and its commercialization.
The symposium was followed by technical tour of SUPRC. Participants had a chance to see 20kW OTEC pilot plant operating at SUPRC which was installed in 2013 with other experimental facilities including seawater air-conditioning and desalination. SUPRC has a plan not only to conduct model experiment of a 10MW offshore structure mounted OTEC plant in KRISO Ocean Engineering basin in August, but also to install a 200kW OTEC plant next to their 20kW OTEC plant by October, 2014.
2ndOTECsymposium2The International OTEC Symposium 2014 was the 2ndsymposium. It was the sequel of the 1st International OTEC Symposium held in Honolulu, Hawaii in September, 2013. Based on these two successfully held symposium, OTEC community has determined to hold the symposium annually, and the 3rd OTEC Symposium 2015 will be held in Malaysia.
Click here for the proceedings of the symposium